
By default haka-mqtt logs details of operational events to haka log through the standard Python logging framework. Alternatively custom loggers can be provided, or logging disabled entirely.

Log Levels

Notice of network failures and server protocol violations are logged at the WARNING level. Notice of normal operational events such as sending or receiving publish messages, connects, or normal disconnects are logged at the INFO level. Traces of bytes sent/received on network sockets is logged at DEBUG level.

Standard Python logging Module

By default haka-mqtt logs details of operational events to haka log through the standard Python logging framework. If a str is provided to the core haka_mqtt.reactor.Reactor log parameter then logs will be written to the logger by that name instead.

Custom Logging

If a logging.Logger-like class is provided to the core haka_mqtt.reactor.Reactor log parameter then the logger will be used as-is without a call to the standard library logging.getLogger method.

Disabling Logging

Logging can be disabled entirely by setting the haka_mqtt.reactor.Reactor log parameter to None.