======== Logging ======== By default `haka-mqtt` logs details of operational events to `haka` log through the standard Python logging framework. Alternatively custom loggers can be provided, or logging disabled entirely. Log Levels =========== Notice of network failures and server protocol violations are logged at the `WARNING` level. Notice of normal operational events such as sending or receiving publish messages, connects, or normal disconnects are logged at the `INFO` level. Traces of bytes sent/received on network sockets is logged at `DEBUG` level. Standard Python `logging` Module ================================= By default `haka-mqtt` logs details of operational events to `haka` log through the standard Python logging framework. If a `str` is provided to the core :class:`haka_mqtt.reactor.Reactor` log parameter then logs will be written to the logger by that name instead. Custom Logging =============== If a `logging.Logger`-like class is provided to the core :class:`haka_mqtt.reactor.Reactor` log parameter then the logger will be used as-is without a call to the standard library `logging.getLogger` method. Disabling Logging ================== Logging can be disabled entirely by setting the :class:`haka_mqtt.reactor.Reactor` log parameter to `None`.