
Installation through pip is supported:

pip install haka-mqtt

A basic mqtt client is short and sweet:

"""Basic client that connects to test.mosquitto.org, subscribes
to a topic, publishes to that topic, awaits notification of
publish on that topic, then cleanly disconnects."""

# Standard python Packages
import logging

# 3rd-Party Packages
from haka_mqtt.frontends.poll import (
from haka_mqtt.reactor import ACTIVE_STATES
from mqtt_codec.packet import MqttTopic

LOG_FMT='%(asctime)s %(name)s %(levelname)s %(message)s'
logging.basicConfig(format=LOG_FMT, level=logging.INFO)

properties = MqttPollClientProperties()
properties.host = 'test.mosquitto.org'
properties.port = 1883
properties.ssl = False

TOPIC = 'haka'

c = BlockingMqttClient(properties)
sub_ticket = c.subscribe([MqttTopic(TOPIC, 1)])
c.on_suback = lambda c, suback: c.publish(TOPIC, 'payload', 1)
c.on_publish = lambda c, publish: c.stop()

while c.is_active():

Typical output of this program is shown:

2018-11-05 22:30:41,655 haka INFO Starting.
2018-11-05 22:30:41,655 haka INFO Looking up host test.mosquitto.org:1883.
2018-11-05 22:30:41,798 haka INFO Found family=inet sock=sock_stream proto=tcp addr= (chosen)
2018-11-05 22:30:41,798 haka INFO Found family=inet6 sock=sock_stream proto=tcp addr=2001:41d0:a:3a10::1:1883
2018-11-05 22:30:41,798 haka INFO Connecting.
2018-11-05 22:30:41,798 haka INFO Connected.
2018-11-05 22:30:41,932 haka INFO Launching message MqttConnect(client_id='bobby', clean_session=True, keep_alive=0s, username=***, password=***, will=None).
2018-11-05 22:30:41,933 haka INFO Launching message MqttSubscribe(packet_id=0, topics=[Topic('haka', max_qos=1)]).
2018-11-05 22:30:42,068 haka INFO Received MqttConnack(session_present=False, return_code=<ConnackResult.accepted: 0>).
2018-11-05 22:30:42,225 haka INFO Received MqttSuback(packet_id=0, results=[<SubscribeResult.qos1: 1>]).
2018-11-05 22:30:42,225 haka INFO Launching message MqttPublish(packet_id=1, topic='haka', payload=0x7061796c6f6164, dupe=False, qos=1, retain=False).
2018-11-05 22:30:42,376 haka INFO Received MqttPuback(packet_id=1).
2018-11-05 22:30:42,552 haka INFO Received MqttPublish(packet_id=1, topic=u'haka', payload=0x7061796c6f6164, dupe=False, qos=1, retain=False).
2018-11-05 22:30:42,552 haka INFO Stopping.
2018-11-05 22:30:42,552 haka INFO Launching message MqttDisconnect().
2018-11-05 22:30:42,552 haka INFO Shutting down outgoing stream.
2018-11-05 22:30:42,686 haka INFO Remote has gracefully closed remote->local writes; Stopped.